Divinely Interrupted

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Meditations from John 15:5: Only a Branch!

“I am the Vine; you are the branches.” John 15:5

This is such a simplistic statement, yet intensely personal: I am the Vine; you are the branches. We are nothing less than a branch, and nothing more. This world berates us for not being enough. We secretly covet different talents, more abilities, or increasing status because it’s somehow associated with our value. These, my friends, are lies and distractions. It is in the necessity of this truth: “I am the Vine; you are the branches,” that we find retreat from the burden of this broken world. Only a branch! Your continual surrender to Christ’s will and work in your heart will build a life of obedience and joy.


Wonderful Vine, thank you for making Your truth simple and profoundly deep. We are blessed to have a Savior who loves us as we are and wants nothing more than the very best for us. 


Lord, we recognize that our hearts often chase after less than Your best. We look at the talents others have, or the life they live, and secretly desire “that life.” Father, we know the life you give is exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20), so help us to rest in that rock solid truth. 


Father, we request a deep understanding of this verse. May it sink into and saturate our hearts so that we truly know and understand the truth of You being the Vine and us abiding as the branches. Amen.