Even though I’ve read and listened to messages on Jesus’ crucifixion numerous times, I saw things I’ve never seen before as I studied John 19. I love how God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). While there is one interpretation of Scripture, there are often many applications. What God speaks to me through His Word may apply differently to your life. I’m a wife of 11 years, a mama to 4 boys, a leader in the tech and payments industry, and a blogger on the side. My experiences and the life God created in me is different than yours. I have struggles, temptations, fears, insecurities, and challenges just like others. They may look and feel different, but life is still hard and no one rides for free. God meets us wherever we are on our journey, and this week we’re going to meet Jesus on His journey to the cross.
Also, I’m experimenting a bit this week and instead of typing out the Scripture, I’ve taken screen shots from my ESV Study Bible (by permission) and highlighted words that came alive to me as I read them. I would encourage you to get your Bible out, too. There’s something about the tangibleness of paper and the texture of the pages that offer us an unexpected perspective. I love technology (clearly, since that is the industry I invest my time in and I blog online), but the “ancient” utilization of inscribed paper brings fresh meaning to those whose hands grasp it.
Let the experiment begin…
“I find no guilt in him.” Pilate stated those words twice. Even though he questioned Jesus, Pilate received no answer the first time. Look back up at verse 11 and how Jesus answered Pilate about authority. I think this is key to remember in life: we have no authority unless it was given to us by God. Meaning, we need to live out Micah 6:8 in our life which reads:
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
I find it interesting that when Pilate spoke of Jesus being king, he capitalized it—meaning, in Pilate’s heart, he knew Jesus to be KING. Not little “k” but BIG “K.” I pray He is BIG “K” in your life! I pray that those who say to us (like the chief priests of the Jews), “Do not say He is King,” that we emphatically respond, “What I have said I have lived. He is KING!”
May you thirst for Him because you are the disciple whom He loves. He takes you into His eternal home.
It is finished. What more can be said here? The past, present, and future sin has been crucified. He was fully man and fully God and because of this, you were fully redeemed. He was bound in death—in the garden. Remember that the garden was where sin entered the world, and it is also where Jesus exited sin should you choose to accept His grace-filled gift. He prepared this moment entirely for you.
Next week we’ll pick up in chapter 20. I know you know the joy that happens next, but I’d love to walk through it with you. I’d also love to hear how you are doing with the Divinely Interrupted blog posts and if there are ways I can help you in your walk more. Are there different or better ways I can connect with you? Is there something you would like me to stop, keep, or continue doing? I want to simply teach the Word of God simply to other women, and I realize we all learn a bit differently and we’re all at different points in our journey. Please let me know how I can serve you more by commenting at the end of this post or emailing me at writer@divinelyinterrupted.com.
In courage and kindness,
Grabbed this photo of Golgotha and the Temple Mount so you can visualize where Golgotha was (bottom of the second page) and the estimated place of the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea (which you read about in verse 41.
Taken from the ESV® Study Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2008 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.