
Emmanuel is Your Shelter, You are Safe: John 12

Emmanuel is Your Shelter, You are Safe: John 12

Today holds a beautiful message for you. A message of safety. Shelter. Hope. It’s time to humble ourselves at the feet of Jesus and become the fragrance of Christ.

There Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down

There Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down

I can’t help reading John 11 and not thinking about the song Ain’t No Grave by Bethel Music (sung by Molly Skaggs). I’ve included the video in the post if you’ve never heard it before. Even though it’s not proper grammar, “there ain’t no grave,” friends. And Lazarus would agree…

Exodus 31: Rest, Oh My Soul

There were many preparations and details to follow in constructing the tabernacle, and God knew that the Sabbath must be kept or the work would become a distraction instead of an outlet of His glory. What distracts you from spending time with Him? These distractions may not be inherently sinful – but they can be unnecessary or imbalanced. Make a conscious and intentional decision to choose what is better.