I left you with a cliffhanger from the first half of John 4 about the unnamed Samaritan woman. We eavesdropped as a conversation progressed between an unrighteous woman and a sinless Savior. This week, let’s see what that broken Samaritan did with what she learned from Jesus. I pray you’ll find healing for your own heart along the way and pass the good news along to others so they might believe.
Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel (John 2:1-11)
Milk, Mouths, and Messes: Lessons from the Littles
My third son, Ezra, used to shove everything in his mouth. He had some developmental delays and putting things in his mouth was his way of examining items and understanding them better. However, what he chose to put in his mouth wasn’t always beneficial. New believers are similar – they don’t exactly know what’s right or wrong and they’ll “feed” themselves the wrong thing if there isn’t someone disciplining them...