his banner over me is love

The Art of Reconciliation: Week 7 in the Song of Songs

The Art of Reconciliation: Week 7 in the Song of Songs

We continue this week learning about the marriage of a new husband and wife. We eavesdropped last week on their little disagreement, and now we see Scripture display to us how to forgive. This message is for all believers, not just folks who are married. Singleness is a high calling, as we’ve mentioned, and this week has pearls of peacemaking that will help you professionally, personally, and with those around you.

Burning for Peace

Burning for Peace

Father, as I search these Scriptures and allow this love song to be sung over me, I pray that you would banish my blindness. You lavished me with love through the death and resurrection of Your Son, yet I still look to the idols of this world for satisfaction. Let me gasp for Your holy breath and desire You above all. Let me burn for your peace. Amen.