
All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love

Maybe the Beatles were onto something (or on something?) when they wrote All You Need Is Love. But, the love they were referring to wasn't the agape--or unconditional love--our Savior drenches us in. As we conclude the final chapter in Exodus (hooray!) and forge our way towards the Christmas season, there's no more ideal time than this to pause and be steeped in His love. 

Exodus 30: Clutter

Exodus 30: Clutter

So far in Exodus, we’ve learned about five of the seven pieces of furniture associated with the tabernacle: the ark and mercy seat, the table, the lampstand, and the altar. Everything has a divine connection and meaning – it all points to Christ. It makes me stop and think about the “furniture” which takes up residence in my temple (heart). What story does my thoughts, actions, family, career, bank account, free-time, and so forth tell? Lord, show us what creates clutter.

Exodus 27: Unclean Lips

Exodus 27: Unclean Lips

God knew that corporate worship was necessary for the life of the believer. In Hebrews 10:25 we’re told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Like mentioned in Exodus 26 , how can we bear one another’s burdens if we are not fastened together? Christ did not die for us to stand separately, but sacrificed Himself so we could be tied to Him and to the other believers. God desires a unified body – a tabernacle – for Him to dwell in.