
Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Seems like we just kicked-off Colossians yesterday, but I **blinked** and this week we wrap up with a short 18 verse study. Beginning in early May we will do a quick stint in Philemon and read of Paul’s plea for his friend, Onesimus (Philemon is only one chapter, and it’s the final of Paul’s Prison Epistles).    

The 4 E's of Fierce Living

The 4 E's of Fierce Living

This week we conclude the book of Ephesians. We’ve studied it for six weeks – verse-by-verse and chapter by chapter. Next week, we’ll continue our journey studying the Prison Epistles, which Paul wrote, and turn our attention to Colossians. But until then, chapter 6 of Ephesians is hard not to love because it contains practical instructions on how to act (and the world could use more of that these days!).

Exodus 37: Light of the World

Exodus 37: Light of the World

The lampstand in the tabernacle represented the nation of Israel and the light they were to be to the world. Whether a Gentile light or a Jewish light, we must have fuel in order to shine brightly. What fuel do you use to get through your day? Let it be the oil of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) who empowers you to shine and don't try to create your own oil!

I Lay It Down

I Lay It Down

"Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel."   ~Philippians 4:6-7