Romans 7

Ecclesiastes 9: An Equal End

Ecclesiastes 9: An Equal End

I was reminded the last few days of how "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate" (Romans 7:15). My flesh is so weak. In case you weren't aware, just because I write Bible studies doesn't mean I don't struggle. I am not exempt from temptations or warring between my sinful flesh and the Spirit. Some days are harder than others, and I wrestle with temptation like every other believer (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Bountiful Boundaries: Hosea 4

Bountiful Boundaries: Hosea 4

This week, we enter a new chapter, and it takes a twist. The sadness of this week's chapter is that God wanted to forgive His people, but they weren't ready. They didn't even want to admit they had sinned. Rough. So God conducted a trial to show them the sin. Not because He wanted them to live condemned, but because He desired for them to experience His redemption and confession is part of that redemption process.