
Ecclesiastes 6: The Weakness of Wealth

Ecclesiastes 6: The Weakness of Wealth

There have been seasons where I wanted “the answer.” I tried to understand the past. I wanted to see pieces of the puzzle I couldn't see. I craved to know what I couldn't figure out. However, through the years, I have learned to rest in the work of the Cross. It was all seen — and paid for — on Calvary.

Modern-Day Idols: Hosea 9

Modern-Day Idols: Hosea 9

We must ask God to reveal to us whether we're sacrificing to false gods of the modern-day culture we live in. Food, sex, money, entertainment, success, social media, and even our own families can take the place of God. We can begin to ascribe worth to these activities, and they can slowly creep onto the throne of our hearts and displace God. 

How To Study Your Bible With God, Part 2: Hosea 7

How To Study Your Bible With God, Part 2: Hosea 7

Using Hosea 6, we looked at how to study your Bible with God, and I provided an inside look of how I work through Scripture verse-by-verse. Of course, there are many different ways to study God's Word, and you need to develop a well-balanced approach with God. This week, I'll introduce more insights around a tool I use…

Exodus 34: Renewed Covenant

How blessed we are to have Jesus Christ, Who fulfills the covenant put in place during this Old Testament time. As New Testament believers, we don’t live by an if/then statement like this: If we follow His word and never sin, then He will love us. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” What Jesus asks of us is that we believe in Him, and then rest in His accomplished work.

Exodus 32: Shiny Things

There are lots of things we can “worship” in this world, even without realizing it. Make a list of the things you do with your time, with your money, and with your thoughts. You're digesting those things into your life. The idols in our lives go down to the inmost parts (Proverbs 18:8) and they don’t just stay compartmentalized. They travel throughout our spiritual bloodstream.

Exodus 20: Law v. Grace

Be Moses today. You have the opportunity to approach God’s throne freely and with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Most of the world today – even Christians – are standing at a distance. Be the one person who chooses to go into the thickness with God. It is in God’s thickness that our troubles become muted, the chaos lessens, and the distractions diminish. Enjoy the Lord’s great love and peace enveloped around you!

Exodus 9: Truth Ignored

The Lord strongly cautions believers about idols because idols are sneaky. The King James Version often refers to idols as “graven images” and that is pretty fitting because idols can start out as good things. But over time, we allow that thing to engrave itself onto our heart. This is why Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”