
Misfits of Society: John 8:1-20

Misfits of Society: John 8:1-20

In some of the ancient manuscripts, John 7:53-8:11 is not found. Where it is found, it is not always in this location in John’s gospel. Even if you believe it’s a misfit passage, I’m thankful that God has continually shown Himself to misfits of society (i.e., me). May that be an encouragement to you as you consider your own caste system.

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel - John 1

Who Jesus Is: The Fourth Gospel - John 1

The fourth gospel is essential. John gives us a direct look into the heart of Jesus—into who Jesus is. It was a book that was written for one purpose: that we might believe. What a blessing to have a book written primarily to help us understand the character of Christ and the meaning behind the events the Son of God performed so we would believe that Jesus saves.

Exodus 34: Renewed Covenant

How blessed we are to have Jesus Christ, Who fulfills the covenant put in place during this Old Testament time. As New Testament believers, we don’t live by an if/then statement like this: If we follow His word and never sin, then He will love us. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” What Jesus asks of us is that we believe in Him, and then rest in His accomplished work.

Exodus 25: Be a Light, Not a Basket Case

God doesn’t want us to “basket-ize” our life. He wants us to let His light shine freely to those around us. Maybe it’s the basket of busyness, or the career basket, or the baby basket. Regardless, it doesn’t need to be covering up His light. Get your oil from the Holy Spirit, through communing at the table with Christ, and praise Him who sits on the throne of mercy and grace!