We started with John 15:1, and now we are finalizing this study today with John 15:11. Jesus says, “These things I have spoken to you…” so we need to go back and remember what “these” nuggets were.
Meditations from John 15:10: Linking Love and Obedience
This week, there is a tiny but powerful word used: if. First, let’s make it clear that God’s love for us is not conditional. He gave an eternal gift willingly through the death and resurrection of Christ. However, it’s important to note that as believers, there is a link between love and obedience. Christ’s love for us drove Him to action. Love cannot exist without action.
Meditations from John 15:9: Dwell Richly
The word love – mentioned three times in this single verse – has a powerful root. Love, in this context, translates to agape in the Greek. Agape is unconditional love – it requires nothing in return and abounds in grace (undeserved favor). We could read the verse like this: “As the Father has unconditionally loved Me, so I deeply love you with a love that requires nothing in return. Now dwell richly in My abounding grace.”
John 15:8: Glorifying God
So often we try to add to God’s glory through our own efforts. 1 Peter 4:11 says, “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
Meditations from John 15:7: Remain
Meditations from John 15:6: Cast Aways
Meditations from John 15:5: Only a Branch!
Meditations from John 15:4: Sit Down
Meditations from John 15:3: The Cleansing Word
Meditations from John 15:2: One for One
Meditations from John 15: The Vinedresser
Meditations from John 15: The True Vine
How To Study Your Bible (John 14)
Judas Betrays Jesus: 4 Words You've Never Noticed
5 Simple Steps to Prayer Journaling
Why Self-Help Doesn't Really Help
The self-improvement market was worth $9.9 billion in 2016 (thanks to a little research data). Did you know you can think and grow rich and only work 4 hours each week? Since you’ve freed up so much time because you’re highly effective, you can have your cheese moved, be an untethered soul, learn the 48 laws of power, understand big magic, and wash your face! Or, you can figure out the sacred secret now…