
The God of Darkness (Part 2)

The God of Darkness (Part 2)

I recently wrote a blog entitled The God of DarknessWhen I hit "publish," I knew it was from the depths of my soul. I wrote it "from the other side" after a long season of disorientation. It was also one of the few blogs where I received an unusual amount of emails and texts in response because some of those individuals who read it had been or were going through a similar season. 

The God of Darkness: John 4:13-14

The God of Darkness: John 4:13-14

These last couple of years have been what I would describe as a "dark night of the soul." It has other words, although none were in my vocabulary during this season: DisorientationDeconstruction of faith (not my belief in Jesus). Darkness. Disruption. It isn't depression in the emotional sense; it is spiritual, and I've found it quite common in believers who seek Him.